

Achieve Logo

ACHIEVE, Academic Counseling and Help Increasing Educational Victories Everyday, provides assistance for girls struggling in reading, writing, and math. ACHIEVE also provides daily assistance with homework.

Is your child a struggling reader?

ACHIEVE’s guided reading program is research driven and geared towards K-3rd grade girls who are reading below grade level. The girls meet in their small groups three times a week for 45 minutes of reading and writing instruction. If you believe your child would benefit from ACHIEVE’s guided reading program, please email Ms. Lynn about testing your child.

Our primary goal in ACHIEVE is to strengthen girls’ academic success by engaging them in year round enhanced learning opportunities. We accomplish this by providing all girls with daily homework assistance as well as one-on-one or small group tutoring when needed. During summer break, ACHIEVE combats “summer learning loss” through experiential and social activities that promote academic development. ACHIEVE also provides intensive reading support for girls reading below grade level.

Our secondary goal is to provide life-changing unconditional support and positive relationships for our girls that promote self-confidence and willingness to learn.




full-color-L-size-logo-for-email-or-web United Way of North Central Florida As a United Way Partner, Girls Place receives funds to support our ACHIEVE Program.  When you support United Way, you help support local girls
ReadingPals Logo

Helping children and youth achieve their potential through education is an important part of United Way’s primary goal of increasing high school graduation rates through investments in early childhood education. Help us work in collaboration with our local partners to reach this goal together!

“We volunteer to give to children, but they give back so much when given the opportunity to have a relationship with a volunteer.” -ReadingPals Volunteer

dglf_logo Dollar General The Dollar General Community Grant Program supports ACHIEVE.  In 2014 and 2015, the Dollar General Literacy Foundation awarded Girls Place two separate grants to support youth literacy.
CAPP Logo CAPP CAPP Is a yearly competitive funding process for 501(c) non profits with a physical location in Alachua County. The amount of funding is decided by the Alachua County Commission.  CAPP is a reimbursement grant for programs that reduce the impact of poverty for local residents. In FY 2015, the Community Agency Partnership Program, awarded Girls Place $6,373 for support of GP’s ACHIEVE program
CityofGainesville City of Gainesville believes in ACHIEVE “The City of Gainesville has been extraordinarily sup-portive of Girls Place,” says Janna Magette, Executive Director. “To be able to look back on the last 30 years and look at the growth, I think it says a lot about Gainesville,” she said. “The support from the city has been tremendous!”

Have Questions?

E-Mail Ms. Tara

[email protected]