After School

2024-2025 After School is on a WAITLIST

Please complete a WAIT LIST registration form to be considered in space in a group and space on a vehicle becomes available. Consideration for After School will only be made with a Wait List registration form completed.

The Girls Place After School Program operates in conjunction with the Alachua County School Calendar.  We transport girls from many Alachua County schools to Girls Place for an afternoon of structured activities.  We provide a wide variety of activities based on the components of physical, emotional, spiritual, environmental, intellectual, social, and occupational wellness.  This curriculum, with an emphasis on homework completion, allows Girls Place to provide a well rounded experience for the girls.  Girls will participate in arts and crafts and field trips, interacting with special guests, and much more.

Girls must be at least 5 years old to begin programming at Girls Place and typically participate through their 8th grade year. Girls are divided into groups based on the grade they are entering at the beginning of the school year:

Kindergarten – Pink K Group

1st Grade– Pink 1 Group

2nd Grade – Red 2 Group

3rd Grade – Red 3 Group

4th Grade – Yellow 4 Group

5th Grade – Yellow 5 Group

6th-7th Grade – Green Group

8th – Blue Group

Each group has designated classroom space in addition to access to about 5 acres of green space and a gymnasium.

We send vehicles or monitors to the schools to be there upon dismissal.

  1. Glen Springs Elementary
  2. Littlewood Elementary
  3. Norton Elementary
  4. One Room Schoolhouse (Pick up coincides with the Alachua County Schools calendar.)
  5. Stephen Foster Elementary
  6. St. Patrick Interparish School (Pick up coincides with the Alachua County Schools calendar.)
  7. Talbot Elementary
  8. Howard Bishop Middle School
  9. Westwood Middle School

We will consider other schools as space allows

An active membership is required to participate in all programs at Girls Place.  The membership fee is an annual fee that is charged at the beginning of the calendar year for existing attending members.  New members who join Girls Place programs during the year are charged the membership fee at the time of registration.  Membership and registration fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.

Registering for after school means that you are committed to attending for the entire 2024-2025 school year.  Families will be automatically invoiced on a monthly basis based on the number of Fridays in the month.  Invoices will be attached to your daughter’s check out sheet on the 1st Friday of each month.   In order to keep your account in good standing, you will need to pay the balance of your daughter(s) account by the last Friday of each month.

Membership Fees – $25/child; $50/2 or more children (nonrefundable and nontransferable)


After School (as of January 1, 2025) Sliding Scale (based on income level*) Weekly Fees
Elementary Above 400% of FPL $65
Between 200-400% of FPL $50
Below 200% of FPL $35
Middle School Above 400% of FPL $50
Between 200-400% of FPL $35
Below 200% of FPL $20
*Income verified with tax return (1040) or two paystubs and will be reverified in April 2025
2024 Poverty Guidelines detailed-guidelines-2024.pdf

Girls Place has a snack program offered through Bread of the Mighty, Feeding the Kids program.  Snack is available to all girls attending our program.   Snack will be served between 3:00 pm and 3:45pm for elementary school and at 4:00pm for middle school.

Our concessions stand is open each afternoon during snack time for girls to purchase additional items.  Parents may opt to send snack items as well. Items will vary in the concession stand, but typically include Capri Suns, Propel, water, freeze pops, fruit snacks, chips, and animal crackers.  Items range from $0.25-$1.50.

We are no longer accepting cash at the concession window. An account can be set up in our front office and parents can set daily spending limitations if desired.  We cannot be responsible for lost or stolen money, so this is the preferred option for girls who wish to buy snack.

  1. Girls must be picked up by 6:00 pm
  2. Process prior to 4:30 pm AND after 6:00pm
    1. Park in a parking spot and come into the building
    2. Have identification (drivers license or identification card)
    3. Parents/guardians can sign the girls out using the Procare computer at the front desk
    4. Girls will be called to the front via walkie talkie
  3. Process between 4:30 and 6:00pm
    1. Parents and/or guardians will remain in vehicles and pull up to the front of the building for pick up
    2. Girls will be called via walkie talkie to the front desk
    3. Parents/guardians or our team will sign the girls out using the Procare App; app is activated once inside the GP gate
  4. General information
    1. Anyone who comes to pick up a child must have a valid ID checked until the staff person becomes familiar with the parent and/or guardian.
    2. Girls cannot be sent home with someone who is not on their pick up list; please make sure that emergency contacts are updated in Procare if we cannot reach the parents/guardians
    3. Please contact the office via email or phone call immediately with any changes to a child’s pick up list. Please be prepared to answer a question to confirm identity if contacted via phone call. A verbal messages from the girls will not be accepted.
    4. If you pick your daughter up after 6:05, there is a late fee of $1 every 5 minutes.

We are grateful to our donors for their generous support of our programs. As of January 1, 2025 we offer a sliding scale fee structure based on Poverty Guidelines. Income is verified with tax return (1040) or two paystubs and will be reverified in April 2025.

Girls Place is an authorized Early Learning Coalition provider.

For more information please call the office at 352-373-4475.

Additional Information

Have Questions?

E-Mail Ms. Nevada

Thank you to our Community Partners!