Summer Day Camp

2025 Summer Day Camp is on a WAITLIST effective 3/3/2025 at 9:50am.

We provide a wide variety of activities based on the components of physical, emotional, spiritual, environmental, intellectual and social wellness.  Girls will participate in arts and crafts, go on fun and educational field trips, interact with special guests, and much more!

Girls ages 5-15 can participate in our summer day camp program.  Girls are divided into groups based on the grade they are entering at the beginning of the 2025-2026 school year:

Kindergarten-1st Grade – Pink Group
2nd Grade – Red 2 Group
3rd Grade – Red 3 Group
4th Grade – Yellow 4 Group
5th Grade – Yellow 5 Group
6th-7th Grade – Green Group
8th-9th Grade – Blue Group

Each group has designated classroom space in addition to access to 5 acres of green space and a gymnasium.
Serving girls Monday-Friday from 7:30am-6:00pm.



Week 1: June 9-13 – The Great Outdoors

Week 2: June 16-20 – Artful Antics

Week 3: June 23-27 – Mad Science

Week 4: June 30-July 3 (closed July 4) – Together We Thrive

Week 5: July 7-11 – Animal Planet

Week 6: July 14-18 – Out of this World

Week 7: July 21-25 – Go Green

Week 8: July 28-August 1 – Live in Motion

Week 9: August 4-8 – Blast from the Past




Normal Operating Hours – 7:30 am – 6:00 pm

Early Drop off – 7:00-7:29  available for $1 cash at the door.

Business Office Hours – 11:00 am – 6:00 pm

**All campers must be signed in by 9:00 AM**


At 9:00 AM all girls participate in our daily ‘Morning Meet-Up’ where we will review schedules and field trips. This will be a time for all our girls to come together in community and get to know one another in a camp environment!

Field trips often include: nature trails, pool, libraries, botanical gardens, parks, guest speakers, and community service activities.

In a warm and caring atmosphere, girls are able to explore their world and learn from and with each other. Outside of field trips, counselors lead various activities throughout the day. Examples include arts & crafts, social and emotional learning lessons, and engaging educational lesson plans. To help prevent summer learning loss our girls read for 20 minutes a day, write in a journal, and work on sharpening their math facts.

Consult the payment procedures for payment dates and deadlines.

Registration Fee: $25 per family (due immediately with registration; nonrefundable and nontransferable).

Membership Fee: $25 for one child; $50 for 2 or more children in the family (nonrefundable and nontransferable).

Weekly Fees: $130

ALL FEES (membership and summer registration fee) are required to guarantee your child’s space in the summer program. All subsequent weekly fees are due ONE week before your child’s attendance (Payment is due the Friday before the week your child attends.)

Registration and membership fees are nonrefundable and nontransferable.  Refunds for specific summer weeks will not be granted after the week has begun.  A $10 administrative fee may apply.

Girls Place is working with the School Board of Alachua County to provide meals.  We will update you soon on what will be provided. Girls are welcome to bring snacks and their lunches. Water bottles should be brought daily.

Our concessions stand is open each afternoon during snack time for girls to purchase additional items.  Parents may opt to send snack items as well.  Items will vary in the concession stand, but typically include juice, water, fruit snacks, chips, and trail mix.  Items range from $0.25-$1.50.

A concessions account needs to be established to avoid any issues with missing money. All money should be given to a staff person upon drop-off/pick-up. Parents can set daily spending limitations, if desired.  We cannot be responsible for lost or stolen money.

Thank you to Bank of America for supporting our Snack Smart program that allows us to provide a FREE healthy snack every day to our girls.

Meal Times
Specific serving times will be shared closer to the start of summer.

Girls must arrive by 9:00am every morning during Summer Day Camp unless otherwise arranged (Field Trips occasionally leave earlier).

Please call if your child is not attending.

Parents should check in their child with our Procare system. If a staff member is not present outside the camper must be escorted inside.

Girls report to their classrooms after check in.

Girls must be picked up by 6:00PM.


Parents and guardians picking up your child before 4:30pm parents/guardians must come into the building and sign their child out.

If you arrive after 4:30PM you may remain in their vehicle, and a staff person will call for your child.

If you will be late, please call the Girls Place phone number (352) 373-4475.

Anyone who comes to pick up a child must have a valid ID checked until the staff person becomes familiar with the parent or guardian.

Girls cannot be sent home with someone who is not on their pick up list.

Please contact the office IMMEDIATELY with any changes to a child’s pick up list (verbal messages from the girls will not be accepted).

Girls Place is an Early Learning Coalition (ELC) provider. Please visit for more information. 

Limited financial assistance may be available. Additional information will be made available in the near future.

How to Register for SDC

Important Information

Have Questions?

E-Mail [email protected]

Thank you to our Community Partners!